Arts Crafts Village 2024

The Fine Print – This is an inquiry not an application

 Items for sale must be your own work and artist/creator must be present at this festival
 We do not allow buy/sell, resellers, kits, agents, political, flea market, imported or similar items
 You may not sell items other than what you have been approved to sell
 We have established limits on the number of vendors by art/craft category, so apply early
 Craft type tent with fire-resistant rating with proper/professional displays required
 We reserve the right to judge the appropriateness at any time
 We reserve the right to eject any disruptive, unprofessional or fraudulent exhibitor
 Set up for event is Friday. Tear down can begin Sunday after show closes
 Parking is provided, except Class A motorhomes, which may not fit in vendor parking
 Limited spaces with electricity and electricity must be paid in advance
 You will be notified of your acceptance. Sending an application does not guarantee acceptance
 Payment by Checks, Money Orders and Paypal accepted
 Documents are destroyed for non-accepted applicants, no returns
 Email with questions.
 Email photos to as required below
 Check In information is sent by email only, about 10-12 days before the vent
 No camping or sleeping in parking lots by city ordinance. Violators are ticketed or removed.
 Send minimum of five photos. Show work, setup and you making product.

Submit the following for consideration

Arts Crafts Inquiry